Don't Fight the Tape!

There is an expression in our business - "Don't fight the tape"!

So, while it was a surprise to some, we ended Q1 on a positive note. This sets a tone for the rest of the year from a momentum standpoint.  Keep in mind though that the wide variety of potential policy outcomes will cause uncertainty for the year. Uncertainty may result in increased volatility and can provide opportunities for buying on dips and selling into rallies.  Global equities and inflation-resistant assets should do well, but a tilt toward smaller capitalization stocks both home and abroad are merited at this point in the business cycle. This is a time to keep a sharp eye on the ball for both opportunities and for protection.

Be Thankful for Investments

In this pleasant season of thankfulness, many spend time reflecting on the blessings in their lives. When you count your blessings, are you naming your investments? Here are three reasons why you, and your family, can give thanks for them year after year.

What My Investments Mean to My Family

Most of our clients are over 55 and know what they want. But sometimes people are referred to me that simply want to know how their investments can help their family. Until you understand what money really is, raw material to live a life, can you appreciate and respect the investment process? How about I share with you what I do to take care of my family?