If you believe the election will have an effect on your portfolio, trust that feeling. I fully expect and hope for some volatility to hit the markets during this election cycle. Why is this good news? We will use that volatility to make our clients money. Our clients enjoy a globally diversified portfolio that keeps pumping out returns regardless of who’s in power. Our actions are based on the fact that it doesn’t matter who is in power. The chart below shows that markets are determined by other factors than who’s in the Oval Office.

It seems market returns are related to something other than who is in the oval office.

How you can take advantage of volatility.

You need a tight plan to take advantage of the swings in the market due to elections and other factors. Unlike the current presidential election, retirement portfolios need to avoid wild assumptions and wishful thinking. We bring balance and pragmatic attention to construct our client portfolios. We make use of volatility, rather than react to it with fear.